Email sent 3/16/2020. For our Race Directors who may have missed our newsletter or those that are unsubscribed. As of 3/22 some of these recommendations have changed and will continue to change as the virus escalates and is suppressed. It is certainly an unusual start to the beginning of the race season and as race …
Update 3/22 – Email sent 3/12/2020 before our St Patrick Day Races before mass gatherings were restricted. This email is being sent to our race directors for this upcoming weekend and your timer may have already been in contact with some of the information below. As people are becoming more aware of hygiene practices this …
I’m excited to let you know that we now have an official app for your event information and live tracking! We have three levels of participation for you to choose from. You can find the details of the three options here: Every event that we time will be listed in our app and include …