July 14,2012
The Glacier Challenge is celebrating its 10th year as a multi-sport relay. Racers come from all over to compete both competivitely and recreationally in what has become a much-anticipated event.
****The 2012 Glacier Challenge will be challenging in a whole new way this coming year – for racers and those of us behind the scenes. Due to the Whitefish River clean-up, we will not have access to the river from Riverside Park as we have in the past. We talked about moving the location of the race but we couldn’t come up with a good [re]location and, to be honest, we feel like we’ve got a good groove going at Riverside. That leaves us with one option – create a new race route.
We have been told it will be for this year only and then we can return to last year’s route but in the meantime, we want to make this necessary re-route come with some perks. Over the next few months, we will be looking at maps – maps of the new bike trail, whitefish trails, and alternative to road options. We might make use of some other parks along the way and get you into the woods more. We hope to have the new route figured out and on this website by March 2012.
If you have any questions or would like to have some input into the new race route, we would love to hear from you. You can call Hannah at 406.755.4622 or email her at glacierchallenge@youthhomes.com.****
The race begins in Whitefish, Montana and between the start and finish line, racers will have biked, paddled and run just over 50 miles of beautiful Montana terrain. Racers may enter as individuals, partners and teams (up to 7 members).
Please make sure you understand our Disclaimers and Policies before you register for this event [found on “The Race”page]. There will be NO exceptions.
All photography on this site courtesy of Scott Marksbury